Heya! This is Yoon and this is my first blog post on here. Don't worry, this isn't gonna turn into some weird oversharing diary. I'll be using this space to update progress and dump little things that aren't quite up to par with my usual work. You'll still be able to find my posts in usual places, I'm just hoping this little thing gets used.
I don't have much to really report, just that I'm undertaking a bit more intensive music video project than usual. It might come out this coming weekend, it might not, but you'll still be getting something on Saturday and/or Sunday, even if it's not that.
This site is subject to changes basically whenever. It might not have this appearance forever, but I like it this way. Comic Sans is funny, that's why I've done it for my sites twice now. This is my portfolio site for the Internet People, not the Super Serious one I show to actual real life jobs.
Anyway, I hope if you're reading this, you're doing well. This coming weekend is a holiday weekend that's a bit harder for me. This is my second Father's Day without my father so I'm not really sure how my family is gonna handle that one. On the bright side, Kiryu's birthday falls right around Father's Day, so there's definitely gonna be something done for that. I hope to see you then.